
Classroom Decorating Tips

You've gotten the keys to your new classroom, and you are excited to get in there and start the decorating! I am so excited for you. This is probably one of my favorite parts about being a teacher. Before you begin, consider this... What is your budget for decorating? From my experience, teachers spend their own money to make the classroom adorable. I have yet to hear of a district that pays for that :) My advice would be to not overdue it your first year. Remember that you have your whole career to make the classroom yours. You don't have to spend tons of money the first year to make it cute. Chances are, if this is your first year teaching or your first year in kindergarten, you will be spending a lot of your own money buying materials throughout the year. Don't spend a lot on just decorations. I buy things here and there throughout the year to add to my decorations. I've also sacrificed a few birthday and Christmas wishlists of personal stuff for classroom wish